Gretchen Kies is mother of 3. Two boys and one girl, all breastfeed. She is a preschool teacher, an accredited La Leche League Leader, and she loves supporting families .
Aurora Phillips is the mother of two children, both of whom were breastfed. She is an accredited La Leche League leader and a registered nurse. Aurora is currently the northern region representative for the Arizona Breastfeeding Coalition.

Brenda Phipps is the Lead Lactation consultant for the Breastfeeding Center at FMC . She worked for the WIC Program for 9 years as the Breastfeeding Coordinator before coming to FMC in 2001. She has three older children and two grandsons!
Katte Smith is the mother of 3 breastfed boys. She is an IBCLC, an accredited La Leche League Leader, and has worked in the maternal and child health field for several years. Her background is in breastfeeding and nutrition.